Sunday, 19 October 2014

You Get On My Damn Nerves!!!!

Photo courtesy Rob Woodman
While rummaging through YouTube, I came across this video. I am sure that everyone who has been or is in a relationship can attest to having had the same arguments that the couple in the video portray.

While looking at the video, I found the arguments to be petty and hilarious. But... when placed in the exact, real life situation, there's nothing funny about the issues at all...Not one bit. 

I have had to deal with a few of them myself. Take it from me... the arguments were not pretty. The leaving up of the toilet seat saga (I think every couple goes through this phase), the leaving of  wet towels and toothpicks on the bed gets me maaaadddd!! 

Watch and listen to what this couple argues about....

Come on guys, tell me what you think about the video. Have you been in similar situations? Do these issues get you mad?? Be honest now!!!


  1. I leave wares near the kitchen sink on

  2. No party in a relationship is perfect. Each has his / her "issues" that might not sit well with the other, and that's normal. What makes the relationship a healthy / unhealthy one is how each party responds.
